Welcome to our Nursery
St. John the Baptist Primary School, 90 North British Road, Uddingston, G71 7AG t.  01698 813540 e. office@st-johnthebaptist-pri.s-lanark.sch.uk
successful learners confident individuals effective contributors  esponsible citizens r
Nursery Gallery
Documents & Policies
Nursery Sessions
Nursery News
Useful Links/Resources

We at St. John the Baptist Nursery Class provide a welcoming and nurturing environment where our children are encouraged to be Successful, Hardworking, Included, Nurturing and Excellent.

Together We SHINE 

Whilst learning through play our children explore, make sense of the world around them, express themselves and have fun. We are passionate about our children’s development taking into account each of their individual interests, needs and abilities providing meaningful learning experiences and a supportive environment.  We value our partnership with parents and carers, working together to get the best possible outcome for our children.

Dear New Parents,
To recieve updates, news and for us to share your child's learning journey with you please send your email address to:
Thank you 

Reporting Absence
If your child is unable to attend nursery please
call us before 9:00am on telephone (01698 801366)

Application Procedure
If St. John the Baptist is your first choice nursery please contact Anne McCluskey

Please note the closing date for all new applications is February 28th 2025 
You will be asked to complete SLC application, staff will support you with your application.

Call 01698801366
if you need further assistance 

Join us on twitter


  Websites & Activities

Numeracy for preschool children
Reading for pleasure.
Yoga Stories Website
Cosmic Kids Yoga,

BBC bitesize 

Occupational Health South Lanarkshire

Learning at Home

We encourage parent participation with learning and events through the Learning Journals.


Session Times

Monday to Friday 
9am till 3pm 

Lunch 11:20am

SLC School and Nursery Holidays

Local care home visits, every Tuesday 10:00/11:00am 

Further updates will be posted on journals and Sway. 


Policies and procedures are in place to form our practice and take into account local and national guidance, legislation and theory. Below are some examples.


Settling in 

Role of the Key Worker

Sun screen

Child Protection 


Parent/Carer Helper


Infection Control


Getting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC)

Promoting Positive Behaviour

Please contact Anne McCluskey to request copies of any policies.